Our Team

Josephfor K. Zumo
The Founder and CEO has over 15years of expertise in implementing monitoring, evaluation, research and learning activities, project designs and management with a wide range of international organizations and development programs. He has extensive experience and has nationally and internationally led several Baselines, Midterms, Final Evaluations and Research Projects applying both Quantitative and Qualitative Methods. Josephfor has first-rate skills in Quality Assurance and Control, PPS sampling methods, Data Validation and Data Analysis with multiples tools and statistical software packages for wide range of INGOs, Governmental and Nongovernmental agencies and donors, such as USAID, European Union, JICA, German Development Agency (GIZ), the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands (EKN), Global Funds, World Bank, AfDP, IRISH, SIDA, UNDP, UNICEF and Government Institutions. He has demonstrated numerous professional M&E capacity building (including onsite training and ‘on-the-job’ support) for a range of sectors.
He has evaluated numerous community development projects and research activities throughout Liberia and in Sierra Leone, Guinea, Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Kenya, Uganda, Eswatini, Mauritius, Tunisia, Ethiopia, Malawi, Rwanda, South Sudan, Madagascar, Zimbabwe and Zambia especially focusing its attention on economy reforms, agriculture (value chains analyses), education, rule of law, women rights and advocacies, health, energy, food security, forestry, WASH, digital economy, and financial inclusions projects etc. He has excellent skills in developing databases and android data collection protocols using SPSS, STATA, Tangerine, CSPro/CSEntry, R, SAS, R, EPI-Info7, EPI-data, mWater, CommCare, KoboToolbox, Magpi, Eviews, PowerBI, NVIVO, SurveyMonkey, and ODK online and offline data collection. He exhibits excellent interpersonal communication and analytical skills, excellent team playing capacity and initiative driven with competence and values.

Elzeever Odhiambo
Executive Director/Project Manager
Ms. Elzeever Odhiambo is an accomplished C- Suit executive, a pre- eminent thinker, who influences key decisions makers in Management and also a program specialist professional in Policy, Advisory and Governance with over 12 years’ experience in the NGO world focusing on diverse functions including Program Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, Impact Assessments, Grants Management and Financial Audits. Elzeever holds a CPA, MSc and BSc in Accounting and Economics. She is also known as a strategic thinker with extensive insights into how present trends will translate into future readiness in leading initiation, planning, design, execution, monitoring, controlling and closure of transformational projects, coordination of large, cross functional, multi - national and inter agency teams and project managers in achieving large scale projects and programs. She has executed several successful projects in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan and Somalia.

Dr. Ibrahim Bangura
Sr. Research & Evaluation Consultant
Dr Ibrahim Bangura is the senior research and evaluation consultant for the RMC. Dr. Bangura is an Associate Professor in the Department of Peace and Conflict Studies, Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone. He is also the Director of Transition International Sierra Leone (TISL) and a lead partner of Transition International Netherlands, which is one of the leading consultancy firms in the world, specialized in supporting countries in transition from war to peace. He has led several consulting services for UNICEF, UNDP, EU projects across Africa and other many international organizations. IT has provided technical support to several inter-governmental, governmental, and non-governmental organizations across the world. The website of TI is www.transitioninternational.com He lectures courses on International Politics of the Environment, Climate Change and Conflict, the Green Economy and State building, human rights, International Relations, Democracy and Good Governance. Dr. Bangura is a seasoned researcher who has conducted multi-method studies in several countries in Africa, with his works published by reputable journals and institutions. His recent publications include “Youth-Led Social Movements and Peacebuilding in Africa” and “Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration of Ex-Combatants in Africa” published by Routledge. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and History; a Master’s degree in Gender Studies from University of Sierra Leone; a Master’s degree in International Development Studies from the University of Amsterdam; and a Doctorate in Economics, from the Leipzig Graduate School of Management in Germany.

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Laaser
Sr. Public Health Research Consultant
Prof. Ulrich is the Lead Consultant for RMC and has over 45 years of experience in Public Health and Research. He has led several successful research projects in public health and has implemented health projects in approximately 25 countries across the globe including Liberia’s Ministry of Health. He is an expert in evaluation and measurement of maternal and child health indicators and has contributed to more than 450 research publications. He is a member of the Department and Head (International Public Health since 1998) Epidemiology & International Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Bielefeld, Germany, and head of the section of International Public Health. Principal investigator of the Stability Pact Project on Public Health Training and Research in Southeastern Europe (2000-2010).

Neima Nora Candy
Public Health Research Consultant
A trained and result-oriented expert with an MPH in Epidemiology and Biostatistics from the University of Newcastle, Mrs. Neima Nora Candy has over 15 years of experiences in Clinical Emergency practice, pre- service training and clinical mentoring of Nurses and Midwives, Health Safety Security and Environment Nurse at ports and industrial areas, Community Health Nurse, and a trainer for health workers on Ebola case detection/management, Infection Prevention & Control (IPC) in Liberia. She has coordinated numerous high-quality planning, developing, implementing, strengthening, and monitoring of the Ebola emergency program activities for Liberian Red Cross in all the 15 Counties in Liberia.

Prof. Dr., Yaw Oseri-Obesi
Sr. Agriculture Economist/R&P & ESIP Consultant
Dr Yaw Asare has 20+ years as an Agricultural Economist and Agribusiness Specialist. His expertise include conducting agricultural, economic, environmental, and social research; project design, monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL); agricultural commodity value chain development; agribusiness development and management; economic and social impact assessments (ESIA); organizational capacity assessment (OCA); preparation of resettlement action plans (RAP); community/stakeholder engagements, public consultations of project Affected People (PAP); business plan development, etc. He holds a Ph.D., in Agriculture (Development Economics), MPhil in Agricultural Economics, BSc (Hons) in Agriculture and Professional Certificates. He is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Ghana. He has been a consultant both locally and internationally with several renown groups including Soladaridad, FAO, AGRA, USAID, ACDI/VOCA, World Bank, UNDP, JICA, Ghana, Ministry of Food and Agriculture among others.

Sia Mamah Lajaku-Williams
Programmes & Safeguarding Consultant
Over eighteen (18) years of continuous and progressive experience in development programming and evaluations at Senior Management levels with both local and International NGOs. Sia experiences are centered on supporting child protection and education programmes, mainly in remote/rural communities. She is a Safeguarding and Programmes Consultant with the ILO, UNDP, and many international organizations including the Government of Sierra Leone. She is an expert in developing content and delivering training to local and international partners on Complaint Handling Mechanism and Safeguarding support. She’s contribute to RMC day-to-day support to programme/project implementation and ensuring conformity to expected results, outputs, objectives and work-plans; Advise clients and potential grantees on technical project preparation issues, and Report to PM and NSC on project development activities, as required; Assist the PM in project implementation and monitoring, including participation in field visits; Maintain working-level contacts with NGOs, governmental institutions, donors, other SGP stakeholders, and participate at events for SGP information dissemination purposes; Review financial reports submitted by grantees and advise the NC as required; Ensure all reporting and/or submission deadlines from HQs are met; Provide logistical and other support to the local SGP team and visiting missions, as required.

Gabriel Nyanti
Financial Management & Training Consultant
Nyanti, is our Financial Management Consultant with over 14 years of experience in International Development programs. He has extensive working knowledge in the following areas: financial management and verification of donor funded-projects, Partners Capacity Building, Donor Financial Reporting, Financial Systems Design, Budgets Formulation, Grant Negotiations, Fiduciary Risk Management, Donor Compliance, Managing Local partners, and External Auditing. He has a wide range of experience working with the following development partners: DFID, SIDA, UNHCR, SIDA, ECHO, UNICEF, USAID/OFDA, Global Fund, EU, and the World Bank.

Prof. Dr. Mark Ginsburg
Sr. Technical Advisor/Education Programme
After working for over 40 years with the international NGO, FHI 360years, Dr. Ginsburg retired from his position as senior technical advisor for research, evaluation, and teacher education. He has helped document reforms initiatives in Egypt, promote policy-oriented research in Malawi, Saudi Arabia, and Zambia; designed professional development systems in El Salvador and Peru; and conducted M&E studies in Afghanistan, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Liberia, Malawi, Pakistan, Rwanda, and South Sudan. His research focuses on teacher education as well as teachers’ work and political roles. He was President of the US-based Comparative and International Education Society (1991-1992).

Joe G. Greaves
Economist/Research Statistician
Joe has over 8 years of work experience in applied economics, empirical research, data analysis, project development and management, and business analysis. He is a skilled and certified macro econometric forecasting and data analysis technician and statistical software user. Joe is an exceptional public sector professional with a unique blend of business, project management, and technology skills. He has a demonstrated ability to bring about positive change through crafting relationships, understanding organizational needs, and proposing and delivering viable analytical solutions. He also holds a Master’s in Quantitative Economics from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China. Joe also holds a Bachelor’s in Economics from the University of Liberia. He is an Economist and has published scholarly articles in the Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities Open, Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, and an online repository research platform (i.e., SSRN). He holds a graduate certificate from Michigan State University, United States of America, in economic development/finance & banking. He was also engaged with several professional research and development activities. He is proficient in research and data analytics tools such as R, Stata, Eviews, SPSS, PowerBI, Qualtrics, SurveyMonkey, MS Office, NLogit, etc.

Sanaa Ezzeddine
Quality Assurance Specialist
She has over 10 years of experience in formative and clinical research projects and training for several medical, industrial facilities, governmental and non-governmental organizations. She holds a master’s in pharmacology and Bachelor in Biochemistry from the prestigious University of Kaslik and LIU. She has earned several certificates in Lab Research and Management with extensive skills in STATA, Microsoft applications and learning board. A compassionate and ambitious pharmacologist with numerous career experience in developing and testing new medications. She is a proven leader and team builder with excellent communication and analytical skills. She has significant experience in developing and implementing appropriate and effective research approach and indicators for pharmaceutical projects activities.

Mavis Samuel
Research & Evaluation/Quality Assurance Specialist
Marvin, is our research and quality assurance specialist for development projects including field work data collection activities, ethnical approval processes, community entry, time management, data collectors’ performance checklist review, quality assurance and daily reporting. Marvin Samuel holds a Master’s in International Development from the University of Minnesota – Humphrey School of Public Affairs. He is an international development practitioner with strong understanding of youth empowerment approaches, Project Cycle Management (PCM), Result-based Monitoring (RBM), Logic Framework Approach (LFA) and the donor environment in the humanitarian setting. He has over ten (10) years of relevant work experience in managing and coordinating humanitarian projects with hands-on experience in planning, design, training, monitoring and evaluation. He previously served as Research Coordinator for The Khana Group (TKG) in Liberia where he led over fifteen donor projects in Liberia and Tanzania. He has led project funded by the following international donors and organizations among others: USAID, World Bank, Tetra Tech, Global Communities, Mercy Corps, FHI-360, and Plan International. In additional to his educational qualification s and professional trainings, he has good written and analytical skills, facilitating skills, communication skills, and coordination skills. He’s coordinates and analyze all field works data and beginning with organizing the field teams, settling disputes, ensuring field monitors are prepared and have the necessary tools to work in the field. He also supports reporting drawing from lessons learned from the field.

Nenneh K. Cheiyoe
Programme/Research Consultant
Nenneh, is our Community Engagement and Awareness Specialist. She is a trained health practitioner with over 13 years’ experience in community engagement, qualitative and quantitative research methods, data coding and analysis. She has a Master of Science Degree in Public Health with emphasis in Epidemiology and several years’ experience in training health practitioners, quality planning, development, implementation, and system strengthening, coordinating, and monitoring health program activities in Liberia. She has several years’ experience in quality project planning, implementation, and system strengthening activities.

Gargar Johnson
IT Manager
Gargar is responsible for web development, software programs, graphic designs and other IT related projects at RMC. He has over 6 years experience and technical skills in web development, graphic design, php script and CMS. Before joining RMC. Gargar founded PlugMuzic, a platform established to promote the exchange of music among Africans. He once worked as the IT Personnel for amPLIFIED Entertainment Group in Liberia, YONER Liberia, Institute For Democratic Action and Development and LTC Mobile. He did web development projects for several organizations such as Youth for Change, Standard Character including PlugMuzic. He worked on field projects in CCTV installation and configuration and served as an assistant trainer. Gargar is currently pursuing a bachelor in information technology with a concentration in systems administration.